Top 5 Reasons for You to Try Platelet-Rich Fibrin

You may have
heard of the expression that growing older is mandatory. However, growing up is optional. What we mean to say is that we may grow older in years, however, that doesn’t imply that we have to enjoy being old. At times, the aging process strikes earlier compared to others, which can be quite annoying. 

Various factors like genetics, lifestyle habits, and even sun exposure can play a significant role in the ways we age. Do you often look in the mirror and scrutinize your appearance? Perhaps you’ve observed little lines on your face or lost volume. Also, you may have begun noticing skin discoloration or texture changes in various areas of your body.  

None of us can stop time. However, you can still turn back the clock. There are multiple skin rejuvenation services in California for you to help restore the youthfulness of your look, including PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin. It is similar to PRP (platelet-rich plasma). But one can say that it’s even more upgraded. In this article, we’ve identified the top five reasons why you should at least attempt it once. 

1. PRF is a Complete Blood Product  

PRF is a 100% pure blood product with higher concentrations of healing platelets compared to PRP (platelet-rich plasma). It discharges growth factors over a longer period. All are contained very much inside your own body. PRF is an extraordinary treatment in that it utilizes the own healing cells of your body for better youthful skin. According to researchers, after PRP, PRF is the next step in the modern evolution of stem cells and growth factors.  

2. PRF Can Be Used Anywhere on The Body and Face  

PRF has been extensively applied in the medical field for promoting quicker healing following surgical procedures, like dental implants, bone grafts, and more. Additionally, it can promote healing after cosmetic surgery procedures. If it is injected strategically, PRF can be placed anywhere on the face or body. Then it may lead to a boost in your tone, texture, discoloration, and overall health of your skin. 

3.  PRF is Completely Natural 

As it is 100% natural, PRF as a skincare treatment in California involves the proper utilization of your body’s platelets, which is one of the most remarkable features of this treatment. Your treatment starts with a blood draw. It isn’t anything different compared to the one you might have at a lab. Then the blood is spun in a centrifuge, to separate the PRF (platelet-rich fibrin).  

4. PRF Can Be Mixed with Other Treatments for Even Greater Improvement 

There is a wide range of various treatments that are aimed to improve the appearance of your skin and help you to achieve the younger skin you’ve been aspiring for. These treatments comprise dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm, Sculptra, Radiesse, Restylane, etc., radio frequency, laser treatments, and micro-needling. All of these treatments provide their unique benefits individually. 

Even various fillers have various properties to make them distinctive. PRF can be applied with any combination of these treatments to provide you with greater improvement and help you to attain your specific objectives.  

5. The Growth Factors in PRF are Your Anti-Aging Treatment 

The growth factors found in PRF are crucial for you to reverse the telltale symptoms of aging. It has a higher concentration of fibrin, platelets, and white blood cells, along with a meager amount of stem cells. The platelets connect to the fibrin network for discharging the growth factors responsible for creating collagen, new skin cells, and blood vessels. The growth factors in PRF are also discharged slower compared to PRP, which provides the extra advantage of a longer-lasting anti-aging treatment. 


Choose the best skincare clinic in California that offers this cutting-edge treatment. Schedule your consultation right now. 


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